About Us
If you want to learn more about us, you’re in the right place. Read to learn our history, and understand who we are.
Our History
On August 5, 1990, God answered the prayer of His faithful servant and enlarged her territory by leading the Reverend Marilyn E. Bostic to begin a church. This Godly mission was the Jesus of Nazareth Free Will Baptist Church, Inc. It was established when God fulfilled His promise to give shepherds after His own heart, to feed the flock with knowledge and to give understanding of His Word. Its roots began in the living room at 24 North Rosedale Street in Baltimore, Maryland. This was the home of Pastor and Trustee Bostic and their family. As the Lord continued to bless and cover the righteous with favor, as with a shield, the church membership dramatically increased.
The leaders were once again called to step out on faith. Jesus of Nazareth Free Will Baptist Church relocated to the Y.M.C.A. in downtown Baltimore, City. They were there for 1½ years. The effectual, fervent prayers of the righteous availed and the church was once again relocated to 3145 Virginia Avenue in Baltimore City.
Under the leadership of Bishop Marilyn E. Bostic, the church has grown and developed many ministries. Among them are the following: Trustee Board, Ministerial Staff, Deacon Board, Mothers Board, Administrative Board, Building Fund Committee, Male Chorus, Culinary Ministry, Bereavement Ministry, Hospitality Ministry, Ministry for the Homeless, Toys for Tots, Children’s Ministry, Usher Board, Women’s and Men’s Fellowship, Home Visitation (nursing or private), Praise Team and Praise Ensemble, Ministries in the Arts (dance and spoken Word), and Public Outreach. The Lord once again heard the secret cries of His people and openly rewarded the church with the blessing of a new location at 4224 Pimlico Road in Baltimore City.
Through the years, God continued to show Himself faithful and continued to work all things together for the good for Jesus of Nazareth. The Lord saw a greater purpose for Pastor Marilyn E. Bostic and called her to be consecrated as Bishop on October 2, 2004. Her vision was magnetic, and over the years, Jesus of Nazareth grew in leaps and bounds. On April 12, 2013, the Lord called Bishop Marylin E. Bostic home, passing the mantle to her daughter, Pastor Paulette L. Bostic.
Pastor Bostic has “taken hold of the reigns” and has moved Jesus of Nazareth forward in the Kingdom of God. In February of 2015, the Lord expanded the ministry through her with a new edifice located 401 Gerries Avenue in Essex Maryland. With the expansion of the new building, the Lord has also expanded her reach of ministry in multidimensional fashions. We thank God from whence we’ve come, but we also thank Him because the ministry continues to grow in leaps and bounds!
Our Mission & Goals
Under the supreme leadership of Bishop Marilyn E. Bostic and the divinely-appointed leadership of Pastor Paulette L. Bostic, the Jesus of Nazareth family continues the God-given vision of Kingdom
building which includes:
- To grow the church from the outside in, rather than inside out;
- To build a multidimensional ministry by focusing on one level of commitment at a time;
- To educate our people coupled with helping them to develop a lifestyle of evangelism, worship, fellowship, discipleship and ministry; and
- To support and train current and upcoming leaders for the purpose of congregational care, providing spiritual nourishment, and providing an environment for non-believers who want to ask questions, express doubts and investigate the claims of Christ.